Book– The Three Wise Monkeys
Author– Jeet Gian
Previous Works- The 3U turns of my life
Author contact–
Publishers– Frog Books ( Leadstartcorp)
Number of pages– 400 ( Including Author’s note and Acknowledgement)
The trio Amar, Akbar and Anthony had no clue whatsoever about their goddammit indecisive-careers-and-indefinite-struggles.
And that was because they were born with the Peter Pan Syndrome and were simple enough to be tricked by anyone, including their mystifying girlfriends—Meghna, Farah and Sarah.
And as is the fate of all morons, they were drawn into trouble—deep trouble—of hiding crores of rupees of black money in secret offshore companies.
Will their mistake of turning a blind eye to the philosophy of ‘See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil’ cost them their careers and put them in prison?
Will Lady Luck change their fortunes forever?
The Three Wise Monkey is a fiction by Jeet Gain.
Having a CA(Chartered Accountant) degree to your name isn’t something to be proud of unless you are making some cash out of the job, same was the plight with the trio of the book. Amar Alwani, Akbar Khan and Anthony D’Douza three CAs with their hard earned CA degrees are clueless about their careers when they meet the loves of their life Meghna, Farah and Sarah. The desperate search for clients makes them run into Ashwin Kolhatkar, a cunning banker with a never filling greed who tricks them into the dirty business of money laundering without their knowledge.
Wanted by the police, tagged as terrorist by the media, their lives run haywire when they try to find the real culprit and the proof for their innocence. The Three Wise Monkeys is a story of three unwise monkeys and how they help to settle the mess in the lives of Amar, Akbar and Anthony.
The story starts with the reader’s introduction with the trio, passing on to the weaving of the plot and then a funny and rather chaotic climax.
Not every author makes his characters pour “chai” on bun maska, Jeet Gian did and it was pleasant.
Most readers skip the acknowledments and about section etc of a book in a hurry to reach the story, but if you want some extra treat, do not skip the first few pages as the author surely knows how to tickle one’s funny bone.
Batman in white pajamas, ill fitting Joker and a Scarecrow riding a triplet tandem cycle is the funniest thing that can happen even in the wildest of dreams.
Ratings- 3 out of 5 stars.
The horror porno scene with Tukaram was a bit confusing though the understandable details were humorous.
Despite being fun, the book happens to be an one time read.
The book is not for the ones with low imagination as the scenes in the book are fun only when the whole thing is imagined, just reading would tag them as boring.
The climax was way too much chaotic to be kept track of while reading. The plot would be better as a movie than what it is as a book.
Reviewed by– Banaja Prakashini
Porno scene? Like erotica?
No, it was more of a comic scene where horror porn was playing on the tv, nothing was erotic but it was all confusing.
I see.