Author– Atul Jalan
Book– Where Will Man Take Us
Previous Works– Debut novel
Publishers– Penguin Random House India
Number of Pages– 318
Format– Paperback
The first person who will live to be 150 years old has already been born.
The screen that we peer into will soon be within us.
We could soon be taking happiness pills before breakfast.
The perfect partner might need to be charged before bed.
This is a new world we are walking into. And the man who began this journey won’t be the man who ends this journey. Where Will Man Take Us? explores the changes technology is bringing about in us-as a society and as a species. What will the next generation turn into, what will it be like, how will the new Adam and Eve live and love?
In this book, Atul Jalan tackles nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, quantum computing and genetics, seamlessly weaving the future of technology with the changing dynamics of human love, morality and ethics.
Where will man take us- The bold story of the man technology is creating, is Atul Jalan’s take on technology and the way it’s shaping our lives.
Unlike the books I have read on technology, this one isn’t just fooling around. It is a detailed and well researched work on the advances of science and where its taking us.
Starting with the basics, the book talks about Alan Turing, who ventured into the unknown and brought the theory of computation which leads us to the binary form of language that machine use. It eventually proceeds to the different aspects of the computing technology and the first part ends with incorporating technology with biology.
The second part clears all the modern age concepts for the reader. The topics of Cryptocurrency, Data ownership, Artificial intelligence, robots and sex, etc are likely to encourage some thought in the minds of people. Not only it serves for the ones who already know of it, the chapters also help explaining some of the subject to the newbies who haven’t explored them yet, or have trouble grasping the idea.
The third part is dedicated to mathematics and some of its great inventions. It relates the concept of mathematics to beauty, art and bringing things into existence, instance, the Neptune.
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The fourth part of the book brings in the deeper questions. Astrology, the science behind happiness, extraterrestrial life and much more. When most of it can be determined by algorithms, whether the need for their glorification is important or not.
The fifth and the last part is what gives the book’s title its shape. It discusses the shape humanity is taking, dependent on the technology created at its own hands. Every time science takes a big step, the Gods are pushed back, the belief in them in shaken as we move to the mechanical gods that have taken their place.
The book sports a simple yellow cover, contrasting quite a lot to the complex concept in the book. The cover is a case of love at first sight for readers who prefer minimalistic designs. The title is pin point, as the book delivers what it promises and the blurb is exactly want you need to decide whether you want to buy this book or not.
There has been so much work with the presentation of the book, in order to make it appealing for the reader. There are stories, and the concept behind why the stories are related to the topic. All of this would be really appreciated by someone who has a taste for technology and loves reading about them. Its not only informative, its also entertaining.
In the end, you can check out the bibliography to learn more about the origin of the facts, and once again, you will notice the effort put in.
Cover- 4.5 star
Title- 4 star
Blurb- 4 star
Content- 3.5 star
Writing and Presentation- 3.5 star
Overall- 3.9 stars out of 5
The book is a bright example of very good book but its not for everyone. There is the use of a lot of technology related topics that normal readers won’t relate to.
Yes, it does explain various things and would be helpful for someone who does want to have a grasp on those ideas, but total beginners would lose it. I am not much of a technology person and the only reason I could understand a good part of the book, is because I had heard about one thing or the other, here and there. I mixed up all the information I had, googled some and then it was able to make way into my head.
This book not being something for everyone, does not affect the quality of the content, its just that the content is not easy and you need to have had done some foundation research if you wish to enjoy this piece of non-fiction.
Reviewed by- Banaja Prakashini
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About the Atul Jalan-
Atul Jalan, forever on the lookout for the next exciting idea and the next exciting thing to do, is an entrepreneur who is always on the move.
A childhood interest in technology transformed into a lasting love-life-technology intersections-through which he now explores how the technology man built is transforming him and the institutions he has created. What interests him the most about this merging of biology with technology is the fact that there is no end to it.
There is always something new, something exciting, something surprising around the corner. When not peeking at how technology impacts life next door, Jalan likes to travel-preferably on the bicycle he’s built himself with the aid of a few tech tools he is testing.
A science storyteller and futurist, Jalan is the founder-CEO of a pioneering AI venture, Manthan, by day. It is his fourth successful venture as an entrepreneur, and there is no knowing where he might take us next.