Review Pen: Ikigai By Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles

Hector Garcia

Author– Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles

Book– Ikigai – The Japanese secret to a long and happy life

Previous Works– Ichigo Ichie


The people of Japan believe that everyone has an Ikigai- a reason to jump out of bed each morning. Inspiring and comforting, this book will give you the life-changing tools to uncover your personal Ikigai. It will show you how to leave urgency behind, find your purpose, nurture friendships, and throw yourself into your passions.

Bring meaning and joy to every day with Ikigai.


Ikigai – The Japanese secret to a long and happy life, by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles is a well-researched portrayal of its title.

Ikigai can be assumed to be similar to finding the purpose of life. It’s about doing something that you truly enjoy and would enjoy for the rest of your life. The association of you and your Ikigai, should bring about positivity in you and should also help you grow as a person. In a true sense, it could mean indulging in a certain activity that not contributes to your existence but also brings immense pleasure for you.

The authors, Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles explain the origin of the term and the history related to it. The book is the result of a thorough study that has been conducted by the authors, with one of their destinations being Ogimi, a village in Okinawa, Japan which is famous for its long-living residents. The 80+-year-olds consider themselves as young and contribute to the community one way or another. Though the study for the book explores various subjects such as wellness of the mind, indulging in physical activity, to distinguish between tasks worthy of attention, etc, a majority of the conclusions can be traced back to the interaction with the Ogimi residents.

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The book includes some points for light therapy and also encourages the reader to find their purpose. If not found, to keep looking. The techniques mentioned in the book, for both therapy and physical activity, can be utilized in day to day life to monitor ourselves. The authors try to help the reader, in dealing with their current lives by opening a door of sorts to the Japanese secret. Not only they let us in, but they also give a step-by-step procedure on how we could turn our lives for good. The practice is extremely practical and they can be used by students, professionals, parents, and the elderly alike.

The tone of the book is very soothing and projects as if the reader is actually a listener. The language is both sophisticated and enriching, which definitely contributes to a better reading experience. The findings were very to the point and there was no beating around the bush. They were all backed by evidence, hence the book is more of a research article than a person’s personal take on the subject. The authors were very impartial in their work, so the book may be applicable to a wide range of people as it provides different alternatives for overall wellness.

Ratings- 4.8 stars out of 5

A few of the advice from the book that can be listed are, to stay active, take it slow, surround yourself with good friends, get in shape, smile, be thankful, live in the moment, etc. Though the takeaways from the book seem to be very mundane, the way they have been explained in the book is worth the read. The positivity that can be derived from each of the mentioned pieces of advice, has been beautifully explained, linking it to how it has been able to used by individuals in their lives and how a purposeful life has lead to their happiness.

Reviewed by- Banaja Prakashini

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