Book– Ambiguity
Author– Tej Raval
Previous Works– Debut novel.
Author Contact- tejraval2533@gmail.com
Publishers– Author Paradise Publishers
ISBN-13– 8944571547439
Number of Pages– 112
The story of Ambiguity revolves around the life of Frank Dawson, an aspiring accountant who survives a plane crash somewhere in the Atlantic ocean and gets marooned on an isolated island located in the unknown. After surviving there for more than half of his life, he finally manages to find his way to the world. But will the world be the same as it was when he left? He tries to find a way to deal with a world where mankind is at war with nature where one of them is destined to go extinct but either way, humanity is fated to be washed off the earth’s surface? But is there really any time left?
Ambiguity by Tej Raval is a story of a man being stranded on an island for three decades of his life, only to return to a world devastated enough to accommodate humans for just a few more years until the environment pushes them off the cliff to extinction.
The title Ambiguity ingratiates with the content of book owing to the uncertain conditions of humanity.
The blurb gives a brief idea of the plot and thus making it a kind of blurb on which people can trust , considering the fact that any sort of unwanted word play has been avoided and a reader gets what he/she pays to read.
When I started with Ambiguity, I had a few expectations from the book and now that I have already flicked the last pages, I can say that the book offers more than it promises in terms of plot.
The author being an environmentalist has focused on the importance of saving the environment in order to escape it’s wrath in the future.
The plot has multiple leaps in time in order to explain the 30 year old stay of Frank Dawson.
I found the natural calamities to be well explained as the author has written about the melting of ice caps and flooding of the earth.
The book is of 112 pages that makes it a light read of 2 hours at maximum.
Cover- 2 stars
Title- 3 stars
Blurb- 4 stars
Plot- 3 stars
Writing and Presentation- 2 stars
Overall- 2.8 out of 5 stars
The cover of the book is somewhat mediocre and not appealing enough to go for it.
The story is quite fast paced that leaves quite a lot of things unexplained, more explanation on the tales of survival on the island would be welcomed.
The book has been poorly edited, the reader may find spelling mistakes, serious tense violation (Past participle to present continuous), and many more.
Developmental re-editing is highly recommended.
Reviewed By- Banaja Prakashini
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